ECS Computers

What is a backup?

  • In simple terms, it’s a copy of your data that you save to a second location.
  • This second location could be a physical hard drive, memory stick, or in the cloud via a storage service like Google Drive.

Why backup?

  • If your information gets lost, deleted, or corrupted – you have a second copy secure in another location.
  • Imagine a virus infects your computer, or your computer is destroyed by a flood or fire. Without a backup, all your data would be lost – family photos and important work documents.

What should I back up?

  • Back up any and all information that you don’t want to lose – work documents, family photos, account information, your unpublished novel, etc. If you wouldn’t want to lose it, back it up!

How often should I back up?

  • The more work you do the more frequently you should backup.
  • For businesses, we recommend that you back up all of the company information at least once per day. The more backups that you take the less information that you’ll potentially lose.

How can ECS help?

  • For business users, we offer a range of fully managed backup options, meaning you can rest assured that your data will be safe if the worst were to happen.
  • For home users, we also offer a managed backup service – so you’ll never lose a family photo again!

Give us a call on 01553 692727 and press option 3 to talk to our sales team about how we can help you!

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